Board of Directors

According to Cheffelo’s Articles of Association, the Board of Directors shall consist of between 3 and 9 members elected by the Annual General Meeting, without deputies. Currently, the Company’s Board of Directors consists of 5 ordinary board members appointed by the General Meeting.

Name Position Birth year Elected Independent of the Company Independent of major shareholders
Petter von Hedenberg Chairman, Member 1979 2023 Yes No
Olle Qvarnström Member 1990 2023 Yes Yes
Johan Kleberg Member 1975 2022 Yes Yes
Charlotte Gogstad Member 1977 2021 Yes Yes
Therese Reuterswärd Member 1981 2021 Yes Yes

Petter von Hedenberg

Born in 1979. Chairman of the board of directors since 2023.

Education: Degree in economics at the Norwegian School of Business, BI

Other current positions: Working chairman of the board of Mood Holding, as well as CEO of Angur invest.

Previous positions (last five years): Petter was one of the founders of the agency group Mood Gruppen (owned by Mood Holding), as well as (now part of Cheffelo).

Shareholding in Cheffelo: Petter holds 1,483,670 shares in Cheffelo.

Olle Qvarnström

Born in 1990. Member of the board of directors since 2023.

Other current positions: CEO, board member and largest shareholder for Svenska Medalj AB. Board member for Envirologic AB (publ).

Previous positions (last five years): In 2015, Olle Qvarnström founded the Investor Relations company Finwire Media & Services AB.

Shareholding in Cheffelo: Olle owns 811,304 shares in the company.

Johan Kleberg 

Born in 1975. Member of the board of directors since 2022. 

Education: MSc in Economics at Handelshögskolan, Stockholm 

Other current positions: CEO, Chairman of the Board and partner of Bookbinders Design. 

Previous positions (last five years): CEO C More, CEO Adlibris 

Shareholding in Cheffelo: Johan Kleberg holds 2000 shares in Cheffelo. 

Charlotte Gogstad

Born in 1977. Member of the board of directors since 2021.

Education: Bachelor of Arts – International Relations and Bachelor of Business Administration at Pacific Lutheran University, Master of Business Administration at London Business School, and Executive Leadership Programme at Harvard Business School.

Other current positions: Vice President Product & Tech Enablement for Ltd.

Previous positions (last five years): Senior Director Global Search Marketing and Senior Director Strategy & Business Development for Ltd.

Shareholding in Cheffelo: Charlotte Gogstad holds no shares in the company. Charlotte Gogstad owns 9,600 warrants in the Warrant program 2021/2025.

Therese Reuterswärd

Born in 1981. Member of the board of directors since 2021

Education: Master of Science in Media Technology from the Royal Institute of Technology.

Other current positions: Vice President of Marketing at Mentimeter AB, Board member of Thule Group AB and Board member of The feelgood Company AS.

Previous positions (last five years): Chief Marketing Officer of Office Depot AB, Director of Product at Mathem AB, Head of Digital at Arla Foods AB, Nordic E-business Manager at Nestlé Nespresso S.A and board member of Svensk Digital Handel.

Shareholding in Cheffelo: Therese Reuterswärd holds no shares in the company. Therese Reuterswärd owns 9,600 warrants in the Warrant program 2021/2025.