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Sustainability management

The board has overall responsibility for sustainability and works actively to ensure that Cheffelo maintains long-term, trusting relationships and good business ethics. The board has delegated responsibility to the management team for establishing policy documents and appropriate structures to ensure compliance. To drive the sustainability work forward at the operational level, the Sustainability squad, led by Chefelo’s Head of ESG, was established in 2022.
The Sustainability squad is responsible for recommending our sustainability strategy and related goals, which are in turn approved by the management team. In collaboration with the rest of the organization, the squad works to implement initiatives in line with the strategy, while following up on KPIs.

Assessment and management of business risks

The management team is responsible for continuously identifying, assessing and preventing various risks in the business.
The risks have been divided into commercial, financial, operational and regulatory risks and have been assessed in terms of impact and probability, and preventive strategies have been developed. Risks in the areas of environment, social issues, human rights and corruption arise mainly at supplier level and through our purchasing activities. We reduce these risks partly through our code of conduct for suppliers and continuous follow-ups with suppliers, and also through careful planning and selection of products and suppliers. Risks in the personnel area include sickness absence and work environment risks, which we reduce through systematic work environment work.

The Åpenhetsloven (Transparency Act) is a Norwegian law that ensures companies are open about how they manage human rights and working conditions in their supply chains. Our Norwegian business, with our brands GodtLevert and Adams, adheres to this act by assessing risks, taking action to prevent harm, and sharing this information transparently.  Åpenhetsloven.