The nomination committee for Cheffelo’s 2024 annual general meeting consists of three members according to the nomination committee’s instructions. In addition to these three members, the chairman of the board must be a member of the nomination committee. The nomination committee must appoint the chairman of the nomination committee from among themselves.
The nomination committee
The nomination committee has the following composition:
- Petter von Hedenberg, ordförande Cheffelo
- Andreas von Hedenberg (Angur Invest)
- Robin Gustafsson (Olle Qvarnström och OQAB)
- Niklas Aronsson, (himself)
The instructions to the nomination committee comply with the Code regarding the appointment of committee members. The members of the nomination committee must be announced no later than six months before the next annual general meeting. The nomination committee shall meet as often as necessary to fulfill its duties and responsibilities. Arranging meetings must be done taking into account the time of the annual general meeting. The members of the nomination committee must, in connection with their assignments, perform their assignments in accordance with the Code. The nomination committee’s main tasks are to propose candidates for the assignments as chairman and other board members, as well as to propose fees and other remuneration to the respective board member. The nomination committee must also submit proposals for elections and fees to the statutory auditor.
The annual general meeting will take place on April 25, 2024, in Stockholm.
Förslag till valberedningen kan lämnas till: Förslag ska ha inkommit senast den 6:e februari 2024 för att beaktas